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Showing posts from January, 2022

Youdle Gives Out Free COVID-19 Test Kits

M EMPHIS, Tenn. (Youdle) - As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to challenge communities across the nation, Youdle, a leading community-focused organization, stepped up over the weekend to provide much-needed support to the residents of Memphis, Tennessee. In a heartwarming display of generosity, hundreds of Youdlers were the fortunate recipients of free COVID-19 test kits donated by Youdle. Addressing the Test Kit Shortage In recent months, the Mid-South has grappled with a significant shortage of COVID-19 test kits, causing empty shelves and mounting concerns among residents. With rising infection rates and the importance of testing for both public health and individual safety, the shortage was becoming increasingly alarming. Enter Youdle, a company with a strong commitment to community welfare. Recognizing the pressing need for accessible COVID-19 testing, they took action to help bridge the gap. Over the course of a two-day drive-thru event, Youdlers, as Youdle community members are